The transcripts of the Heartful Spanish podcast will be available for download here, in three versions, as each episode is published.
Using the transcripts while you listen is the "hand-holding" I mentioned in the trailer. It will speed up your learning no end!
Just choose the transcript you need and click the document image to download the pdf.
If you have any problems accessing the pdfs let me know at Thanks! xx
Using the transcripts will boost your learning
Utilizar las transcripciones te dará un impulso a tu aprendizaje
Episode 11 - Mobile Addiction (Part 1) / La Adicción Al Móvil (Parte 1)
Episode 10 - Self-Compassion In Times Of Difficulty / Autocompasión En Tiempos De Dificultad
Episode 9 - A Celebration Of You / Una Celebración De Ti
Episode 8 - Music And Language Learning / La Música Y El Aprendizaje De Idiomas
Episode 7 - Affirmations Can Keep You Strong / Las Afirmaciones Pueden Ayudarte A Estar Fuerte
Episode 6 - An Anti-Recipe Recipe For Gazpacho / Una Receta Anti-Receta Para Hacer Gazpacho
Episode 5 - Dealing With Overwhelm / Lidiando Con El Agobio
Episode 4 - A Short Walk / Un Paseo Breve
Episode 3 - Emotions Are Our Teachers / Las Emociones Son Nuestras Maestras
Episode 2 - My No 1 Life Hack / Mi Truco de Vida Número Uno
Episode 1 - Choose Joy / Elige La Alegría